(DSWH) Domestic Solar Water Heating System
1. Passive Domestic Solar Water Heating Systems:
- Characteristics:
- Reliability and Easy Maintenance: Passive systems utilize gravity and natural circulation of water, eliminating the need for electric pumps. They are generally more reliable and easier to maintain.
- Types:
- Batch Heater:
- Description: Simplest solar hot water system with a tank of water within a glass-covered insulated enclosure aimed at the sun.
- Operation: Water within the tank is heated directly by solar radiation.
- Application: Commonly used for residential water heating.
- Thermosyphon System:
- Features:
- Natural circulation of water.
- Flat plate collector.
- Collector placed below the storage tank.
- Hot water is taken from the top of the tank.
- Operation: Solar-heated water naturally rises through the collector and into the storage tank due to the density difference, creating a self-sustaining circulation.
- Application: Suitable for residential water heating.
- Features:
- Batch Heater:
2. Active Domestic Solar Water Heating Systems:
- Characteristics:
- Use of Electric Pumps: Active systems use electric pumps, valves, and controllers to circulate water or heat transfer fluids through the collectors.
- Types:
- Direct Active System:
- Description: The fluid circulating through the collector is also the fluid used for domestic water heating.
- Application: Commonly used in regions with mild climates.
- Indirect Active System:
- Description: A heat transfer fluid circulates through the collector and transfers heat to the domestic water through a heat exchanger.
- Application: Suitable for colder climates where freezing conditions may occur.
- Direct Active System:
The choice between passive and active DSWH systems depends on factors such as climate, energy requirements, and maintenance considerations.